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WSU Health Professions Student Center Academic resources

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Tips for Success

Being successful in rigorous health professions programs means taking advantage of every opportunity to get assistance. You are here at WSU to learn and the smartest health professions students are those who take advantage of the numerous resources avaiable to them, including:

  • Making use of the office hours held by your professors and TAs.
  • Hiring a private tutor if you need to supplement your courses with additional instruction.
  • Participating in University-provided tutoring and mentoring sessions.
  • Using online resources.
  • Attending University-provided workshops.
  • Attending departmental research seminars that are relevant to your field of interest.

Helpful External Websites 3,900 video lectures on wide range of collegiate subjects: Math, Biology, Chemistry, organic Chemistry, Physics, Healthcare, and medicine—all expertly presented. Award-winning study skills website aimed at college learners, hundreds of topics, resources, and writing / study guides for dozens of subjects.

Where to Find Tutoring: CACD’s WSU campus-wide guide for tutors, departmental tutoring and TA hours, eTutoring, Writing Center services, and other academic resources. Available in the Health Professions Student Center and at 180 Lighty, updated each semester. Free online help for WSU students, 7 days/week. Follow the above “Where to Find Tutoring” link for log-in instructions for WSU students.

Digital flash cards, study reminders, mobile class notes.

Test Anxiety: Link to a Google search on the topic which yields dozens of helpful guides on overcoming this common problem.

Improve academic relationships with your professor, TA, and RA: Several related articles, good!

Overcoming Procrastination: A self-help guide for dealing with this destructive habit. Try a Google search for other useful resources.

Top 10 Memory Improvement Tips: Research-based articles on improving comprehension & recall.

Career Counseling and Testing at WSU—for your parallel career planning.

CACD Wellbeing Workshops: Free workshops offered throughout each semester: Test Taking, How to Build a Successful Study Group, Study Skills and Note Taking Strategies, Learning Styles, Motivation and Goal Setting, Proofreading and Editing Papers, Junior Writing Portfolio, and more.